
Teatronas is an abnormal theatre company that constantly seeks to redefine the notion of theatre, sensitive social problems, and well known classical stories. The main goal of the company is authenticity rather than artistic innovation, that is why the company can proudly say that it became the most sincere version of itself. This version directly reflects the oxymorons of our contemporary world that are converted into the company's productions: humane cynicism, the hurry to stop and think, journey into the discovery of self, to hurt in the name of love and chasing dreams by doing other jobs.
This main mission leads the company to progress, gives motivation and the feeling of the absurdity of our actions, that is much needed in order to create our shows.

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Įm. k. 302430039

Sąsk. nr. Paysera

LT61 3500 0100 0755 7757