
A children show based on the novel of M. Ende

In an abandoned amphitheatre lives a girl named Momo. Nobody knows where is she from and how old is she. She only answers: "As far as I remember I was always here". 

She has an extraordinary ability to listen to others and everybody wants to be her friend. But one day the Men in Grey appear in the city and start to steal the time of its adults. They state: "Give us your time now, you will have more of it later".

Momo and the kids try to retrieve the stolen time at the same time learning how to vote and protest. A social critic of consumerism in the format of a fairy-tale together with the basics of democracy invites the children to learn to listen and see what the adults cannot see nor hear no more. We have heard the sentence "I don't have the time for it", but never have we heard why that time disappears and to where.

Co-produced with Kaunas City Chamber Theatre
Financed by Lithuanian Council for Culture

Creative Team:

Director: Gildas Aleksa
Set and light designer: Aistis Lansbergas
Composer: Jokūbas Tulaba
Animation: Konstantin Djurickovic (Serbia)

Actors: Milda Jonaitytė, Karolis Kasperavičius, Renida Baltrušaitytė, Matas Dirginčius/Džiugas Kunsmanas

Show Dates:


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Company details

Įm. k. 302430039

Sąsk. nr. Paysera

LT61 3500 0100 0755 7757