
Contemporary circus performance

This performance is an acrobatic expression of a passive state. In the social media, term „Mood“ is used to describe recognizable situation in which emotions exceed all limits of human logical behavior. The creative process focuses on the action of falling and the images it raises, as well as the "depressive body", its recognizability in the physical and psychological sense and how such a passive body affects active disciplines of performing arts. Street version and enclosed space version of the performance are possible.

Creative Team:

Created and Performed by: Džiugas Kunsmanas

Dramaturgy: Gildas Aleksa

Composer: Jokūbas Tulaba

Show Dates:


Other Shows

Social media

Company details

Įm. k. 302430039

Sąsk. nr. Paysera

LT61 3500 0100 0755 7757