Since 2017 the subject of taxes - especially the ones of our healthcare system - has been one to incite anger and conflict. Due to a change in the tax system, a fair amount of people had to change their work and tax format and this created chaos that was only catalyzed by the communicational flaws of the system itself. Naturally, we decided to talk about it using the art of communication - theatre.
After a huge interest in the subject and a myriad of stories that people have told, the creative team decided to use theatre as a platform of communication in which the common misunderstandings are articulated in an attractive way and even zoom out as a commentary about the society we live in.
The play is based on a research of the sociologist Renida Baltrušaitytė and written by Kristina Marija Kulinič. In it we see common people that strive to get their life - and taxes - together.
The key to this tragicomical drama is to explore the humanity in the system and traces of the system in our current humanity. The goal of the show is not to solve or blame, but to reflect our emotional journey while we try and be conscientious and tax paying citizen.
Dramaturgė: Kristina Marija Kulinič
Režisierius: Gildas Aleksa
Dailininkas: Martynas Arlauskas
Kompozitorius: Jokūbas Tulaba
Vaidina: Roberta Sirgedaitė, Arnas Ašmonas, Milda Jonaitytė, Karolis Norvilas, Raimondas Klezys